
Community Review | Corey Avenue District 2014


Corey Avenue Community Review

Commission Meeting March 26th, 27th, 2014

Health Benefits of Good Urban Design

  • Incentivizes walking or biking, instead of driving – promoting exercise
  • Increases social connections among neighbors

From: Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)

Safety Benefits of Good Urban Design

  • Well-designed streets attract more pedestrians who keep watch over one another.
  • Improved streetscapes and traffic calming devices provide buffers between pedestrians, bicyclists and automobile traffic
  • More pedestrians on the street actually decreases the likelihood that one will be struck by a driver.

From: Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)

Economics of Biking

  • A 2008 study in Portland clocked bicycle-related industry alone as contributing $90 million to the local economy every year.
  • In 2010, Wisconsin recorded a yearly $1.5 billion bike economy . . . Bicycle tourism.

Return on Public Investment

  • For every $1 invested into a downtown, there is a $32 return into the community. – National Main Street Institute
  • The Barracks Row/8th St SE District in Washington DC – $8 million invested in public funds. Within two years, the private sector invested additional $8 million – 32 new businesses – Source: CT Main Street
  • A $4.5 million investment in streetscape and pedestrian improvements on School Street are credited with helping attract: – 60 new businesses – Decreasing the vacancy rate from 18% to 6% – Increasing downtown sales tax revenue by 30% “The Economic Benefits of Walkable Communities,” by the Local Government Commission for the California Department of Health Services.
  • A $10 million investment in traffic calming, a fountain, a public event space and building restoration transformed a run-down downtown. In the 5 years between 1993 and 1998 . . – Property values went from $10-$40/sq.ft. to $50-$100/sq.ft. – Commercial rents went from $6/sq.ft. to $30/sq.ft. – Brought occupancy up to 80% and attracted $350 million in private investment to the area pdf “The Economic Benefits of Walkable Communities,” by LGC for the California Department of Health Services.

This information can be found on the city website: