
Sunset Park | Corey Avenue St. Pete Beach

Sunset Park on Corey Avenue | St. Pete Beach

Sunset Park is planned to be located on the west end of Corey Avenue on the edge of Blind Pass.


Enhancements in this area will:

  • Create public space and a west side anchor. Create a much-needed public space and mixed-use development anchor on the west side of Corey Avenue and along waterfront, providing a destination for visitors.
  • Integrate streetscape elements to improve the user experience. Fulfill the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code for sidewalks, landscaping, shade, visual interest, etc.
  • Encourage pedestrian activity along Corey Avenue. Visitors will find a more pedestrian-friendly environment near the waterfront. Plus, visitors will find a more consistent streetscape and pedestrianfriendly environment along the west side of Corey Avenue.
  • Preserve vehicular access from 75th Avenue to Corey Avenue and Corey Avenue to Sunset Way. A new two-lane alley preserves vehicular access from 75th Avenue to Corey Avenue, and a flexible pedestrian/vehicle plaza at Sunset Way and Corey Avenue preserves vehicular access to Sunset Way.
  • Provide additional on-street parking along Corey Avenue. The proposal installs on-street parking along the west end of Corey Avenue.
  • Enhance Corey Avenue streetscape and hide on-site parking from public view through structured parking or strategic infill development. Structured parking would be provided within the proposed mixed-use building, making it more visually appealing than an open surface lot. Incorporating infill development along Corey Avenue would enhance the main street character of Corey Avenue, create a more consistent building edge, and hide on-site surface parking lots from public view. From “Sunset” looking toward Gulf Boulevard Provide a major open space Encourage new hotel, retail,


Sunset Park on Corey Avenue will feature a Hotel, retail, and waterfront restaurant. The existing road will transform into a major public space for St. Pete Beach visitors and residents to enjoy.


sunset park before


 Sunset Park Rendering

Sunset Park on Corey Avenue will also feature a large pavilion/shelter, a public boardwalk and even a fishing pier for all to enjoy! The current sunset park will also be extended to create a large, open waterfront park/plaza.

The hotel can be found on the West end of Corey Avenue will feature a ground floor for commercial use with 5 stories above it dedicated to accommodations.


 Sunset park ariel before



This information can be found on the city website:

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